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Pedaling bicycle,
Sewing her fabric,
Building her grain of rice,
There lived a floret.

Smiling at hardships,
Keeping her chattel,
Riding she delivers her goods,
Like a daughter.

Prompting with good hope,
Reminding 'keep smiling',
She lived like a chorus,
from someone's hard game.

*1  chattel - belongings  *2 chorus - repeated work.  

"She lived like a chorus,
from someone's hard game."
means:  someone here refers to the ultimate god or creator. Not to be confused with gender dominance and subjugation. 

Theme:  Someone in their chorus.
Significance of Title:   The author is not aware of the existence of this person in the picture but aware of her chores.  
In brief: There lived a daughter doing her chorus and reflecting other's happiness.




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