Get well, let go, be good;
On and on...
Let go, animus, get free;
On the go...
Come out, Calm down, call out;
Let again...
But at the spire! Get the visor down.
Dime a dozen population
Cooks the verse in agony.
Surfing the heal
Browsing peace.
Shouting the hell
Thrashing you hard
Barking at the wrong tree and
Hiding order within disguise.
Living for the trivial hopes,
As better days are yet to come
Let go with the fret so bad.
*1 animus - ill-feeling *2 spire - top or peak *3 visor - movable part of a helmet that can be pulled down *4 thrashing - an act of physically beating someone *5 fret - constant anxiousness or worry
#1 Hiding order within disguise - the truth lies within everyone so does peace but we look towards an external agency for our peace.
#2 Living for the trivial hope, - hopes always changes with time there for are trivial
In brief: The main context is the reaction of a common person towards anxiety
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