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The Matter

Pious as a grain of ash

gorgeous as a lotus leaf 

sweet as a grain of rice

charm as your song.

His patience has no bound

Knowledge beyond your thought

Love so pious in air

Loyal as a servant

His justice has no snag

with songs of love and care.

Love that serves who deserves

that go with a lack of bias.

The legislature, sheriff, and army

unparalleled to perceptions;

he rules with ease to guide and track.

with an everlasting glow.

To the stranger to the closer

and closer to the stranger.

To the darkness at hand

and the lining faraway

Take my paean to the creator of wonder,

the rife that survive and compassionate.

*1 pious - pure  *2 snag - obstacle/ unexpected hurdle  *paean - a song of praise
*4 rife - full of / omnipresent  *5 legislator - law maker.  

Theme:  praise to the creator of life.
Significance of Title: One who has seen the creator of life has no words to describe him. One who is ignorant of him takes no stain as well. Therefore for an anxious devotee, his form/ type/ material characteristics as a type of matter(If it's any matter :)) is unknown. Thus the name relates to the matter of verses.
In brief: Our life is a phenomenon, I devote the song to the one who sows it.




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