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The Tempo

Peeping frowning creeping lived a guy,
on the shores of an ancient land.
Lonely angry cheery he stayed in sly,
with fingers crossed for a brand.  

pale and dark but undyed,
sullen grim with a smile,
lusty bright in vain,
ravening wild with mercy.

Ardour gives him life;
Thirst keeps him steady;
famine leaves him agony;
Hope drives him forward;

Forage revises his ardor,
Thirst alters his lifestyle,
Exploring whole life,
Imploding from inside.

post a dozen ages,
his legacy looks at him with a smile;
Staring at the giant,
from a bygone Latin bind
in dust and gray.

Sneaky little time,
makes the tousle seen,
with ages to go,
and countless to realize.

*1 frowning - an expression of disapproval  *2 sullen - bad-tempered and sulky  *3 grim - very serious and gloomy
*4 vain- having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities or wealth   
*5 ravening - extremely hungry or hunting for prey  *6 ardour/ardor(n) - great enthusiasm or passion
*7 famine- extreme scarcity of food  *8 agony - extreme physical or mental suffering  *9 forage - search widely for food and provisions
*10 implode- internal breakdown  *11 staring - looking at something deeply -open surprise or anxiety  *12 bygone - ancient  *13 bind - the cover or cardboard bind of a book   *14 sneaky/sly - furtive/ persistent but reluctantly held  *15 tousle - make untidy

#with fingers crossed for a brand - It portraits the pride and ego of the character. 
#2 Stanza 1 - Introduction to a character who has a good reasoning or questioning attitude.
#3 Stanza 5 - It says about his offsprings looking back at their ancestor's legacy from the old Latin books full of dust.
#3 Stanza 2 (Judgement) -  Opposing words are used throughout the stanza to describe his uniqueness and emotions.

Theme:  Cycle of Life | Living in present | Our role makes an impact in the time and life of many.
Significance of Title: Tempo means the flow of music. Here is the flow of time and life that accompanies it.
In brief: Our present today becomes someone's legacy tomorrow. Live in the present.



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