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The Subtle Poet

Every little cue rising from your maw,

and any tiny toot casting out the jaw,

finds their way to tale,

in the reign of tyrant time.

Words those flutter air or a phrased metaphor,

Be it bigotry or a warm melody,

like a maple leaf flying in air,

swings the way around in an endless leeway.

He ceases in the ride but hoping for the end,

not halting in the air but gliding for a reach.

Never undone and never losing hope,

It passes your drums and rushes them forward.

You cannot take back!

*1 cue - a short word or a signal  *2 maw -  mouth  *3 toot - sharp sound   *4 tyrant - cruel  *5 reign - period   *6 flutter - sound waves making pattens in the air    *7 metaphor - a figure of speech    *8 begotry - long speech about an attachment to belief  *9 swings - move back and forth  *10 leeway - the amount of freedom around  

"and any tiny toot casting out the jaw " - any sound or word pronounced.  

"He ceases in the ride but hoping for the end" - sound attenuation with distance (doppler).  

Theme:  The journey of sound/poem.
Significance of Title:  The emotions of sound traversing the air.
In brief: A word said cannot be undone.


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