Drifting elsewhere, free from core, agitated to find the shore, I wail in fury clasping oar, shutting eyes and bawling more. The birth of history sprouts with it. little fingers fill out knit, tiny claws buds adagio lit, and framework extends wide and bright. It dates too soon as mane loose tone, staring straight at rhymes he has sewn, on the life, he saw and foresee clone- for the lives to be born. for the acne worn and agony faced, for the joy that passed and coy since aged, he lives in marked for the acnes: Acnes of life that turned him right. * 1 core - (in context)mother's womb * 2 agitated - feeling/appealing troubled or nervous * 3 shore - a piece of land *4 clasp- grasp tightly with one hand *5 wail - prolonged high pitched cry *6 oar - a pole with a flat blade. *7 bawl - .shout/call out noisily *8 sprout - put out shoots/grow *9 adagio - slowly...